
The CDS and the PNYCh harbor forests of high biological richness. Find information about species of flora and fauna in this page.


We protect important populations of native fauna, the choro monkey and the spectacled bear are the most important. In the PNYCh 527 species have been registered.


The CDS has trails that cross conserved forest areas where you can watch more than 70 species of birds. You can see such beautiful species as the Andean golden-headed quetzal, the Mot Mot, the long-tailed hummingbird and many other species that nest in our forests.


Reptiles play a fundamental role in population control of ecosystems, whether due to their value as predator or prey. In some cases, they are important seed dispersers. There are more than 10,269 species in the world, of which 467 have been recorded in Peru.


Amphibians are indicators of the ecosystems health and help to control insect populations. About 4,450 species are identified around the world, 611 of them are registered in Peru.


Mammals play an important role as indicators of ecosystem health, there are about 5,487 species in the world. Peru is the third country with the highest number of registered mammal species, it is home to at least 460 of them.


Insects play a primary role in ecosystems as recyclers of nutrients and organic matter, pollinators, predators, and parasitoids. Currently, more than 1,000,000 insect species have been registered in the world and many remain to be identified.

LIST of species


The CDS and the PNYCh protect a great diversity of flora species, among which bromeliads, mosses, ferns and orchids stand out. More than 2,000 species of flora have been registered, many of them are medicinal plants.


Orchidaceae it is a large and diverse family of flowering plants. There are about 25,000 species around the world, 2,873 species have been found in Peru, and some others remain unknown. Peruvian cloud forests are particularly rich in orchids and CDS is home to a large number of these species.


Mushrooms are matter present in animals and plants. They are also a source of food or medicine, and create nutrients for the soil that allows the cultivation and development of plants. There are approximately 100,000 species of mushrooms in the world, but it is estimated that there are many more to be discovered.


The importance of these plants lies in the presence of active components that help to combat conditions and diseases, either through their traditional use or as a primary source for the preparation of drugs.


Lichens are the slowest growing organisms, and depend on associating with other organisms to live. Most lichens are highly intolerant to atmospheric pollution, so they are mainly found in rural environments. There are between 13,500 and 17,000 species of lichens.